03 Jun

One Great Skype Call...

By Jason Sadler | 03 June, 2010 | 0 Comments

Stephen and I just got off a Skype call with Marieme Jamme (@mjamme) and Teddy Ruge (@tmsruge). Through the launch of 1MillionShirts they reached out to us to help, they reached out to offer guidance and they’ve graciously given their time and knowledge to help us find our way.

We’ve found our way.

Over the next week(s) there will be some minor changes around the website and some major changes in our goals and our focus. Will we still be collecting shirts? Absolutely. Will the name still be 1MillionShirts? Yes. With Marieme and Teddy’s help we are moving in the direction of the right way to help.

I’m very thankful for Teddy, Marieme, all of the 1MillionShirts ambassadors and every single person that is reading this post right now. Thank you for being apart of what will become a great project, I leave you with this: 1MillionShirts for 1MillionMinds.