21 May

Field Trip: 1MillionShirts Warehouse

By Stephen Anfield | 21 May, 2010 | 2 Comments

For those of you that didn't know Jason and I took a field trip to the 1MillionShirts warehouse (a.k.a. home of our amazing partner, H.E.L.P. International). We met some outstanding individuals who are helping with every aspect of the sorting process. Here's a rundown on our experience...

Many of you have been wondering exactly what happens to the shirts once they’ve been shipped to the H.E.L.P. International warehouse. For approximately 8 hours, Jason and I met the people responsible for sorting, counting, and shipping shirts to those who need them most. It was an eye-opening experience sure to impress anyone who could see this operation at work.

1MillionShirts Warehouse

The H.E.L.P. International warehouse is a 17,000 sq. ft. structure with a lot more than the shirts you’ve been donating (or will be donating). Not knowing what to expect, Jason and I were completely amazed at the number of items being stored for disaster relief. Down one aisle, we saw toys. Down another, we saw clothes. Toward the back of the warehouse, we saw medical equipment including operating tables, dentist chairs, and… an x-ray machine?! How cool!

1MillionShirts Warehouse

When you send a shipment to the H.E.L.P. International warehouse, care is taken to make sure that your money and shirts end up in the right place. Upon receipt of your shirts, here’s what you’ll receive:

  • A receipt for your donation indicating that your contribution is 100% tax-deductible
  • A picture of children (in Masese, Uganda) who are being helped with your generous donations
  • A handwritten thank you note

H.E.L.P. International informed us today that YOUR shirts have already been shipped to Haiti, Navajo Nation, Pineridge Nation (Lakota-Sioux), and Jerusalem!

Keep sending in those shirts! Y’all are doing great!

- Stephen
